sabato 12 aprile 2014

Why Social Is the New SEO

In January of this year, Matt Cutts released a video explaining that social signals do not impact search engine result rankings. For a long time, every SEO behaved as if they did. If this is true — that social signals don’t affect search rankings — what do we do now?
Read more: quicksprout blog

mercoledì 2 aprile 2014

New Title Tag Guidelines & Preview Tool

Google's recent SERP redesign may not seem like a big deal to the casual observer, but at least one change could have a real impact on SEOs. This post will explore the impact of the redesign on title tags, and define a new, data-driven length limit, but first, a new tool...
Read More: Moz Blog

martedì 1 aprile 2014

Content Marketing in Norway: Full Steam Ahead in 2014

Three-quarters of marketers in Norway say content they create has a clear and significant effect on their business. Company websites and social networks are the most important channels of distribution.
Read more: eMarketer